

VerVim Insider Member Benefits

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Mother Teresa

As a Members-Only Funding Club, VerVim's Insider Members

can SUBMIT their business Ideas.

For every Business Funding Opportunity:

Top 100 Ideas get $100

Top 10 Ideas get $1,000

Top 3 Ideas get $10,000

Even if the Ideator is not involved in running the SELECTED business,

they will still receive a 3% royalty.

The Insider Members will also use their individual Perspectives

to SELECT which ideas will be funded by voting on the top 3 submissions.

The Insider Members will all SUCCEED as they

share in the Profits of the funded businesses.

After the Funding Period, 20% of funded business income

will be distributed to VerVim Insider Members,

and 2% distributed during the Funding Period.



Better funding opportunities by sharing Ideas


Better businesses by sharing different Perspectives


Better lives by our Members sharing in the Profits

Become a Member Today

Join today before our limited memberships are gone.

Building Better Lives through sharing Ideas, Perspectives and Profits.